Rob Clark, Jr
Rob Clark, Jr., Chief Audit & Compliance Officer for Howard University, is a nationally recognized authority in internal audit, risk management, compliance, and cybersecurity with over 36 years of industry experience.
(All this means is that, for over half of his life, he’s eaten lunch alone! Cuz, let’s face it, nobody wants to sit with the Audit and Compliance guy.)
He is Past President of ACUA; was the very first recipient of the ACUA Member Excellence Award; and has received the ACUA Professional Contributions Award. He is also Past President of the Institute of Internal Auditors – Atlanta chapter.
He has served in Internal Audit and Compliance leadership at M.I.T., Georgia Tech, University of Nebraska, Clark Atlanta University, and now Howard University.
He has certifications as Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional, and Certified Business Manager.
He’s a popular keynote speaker and a board member of the National Speakers Association – Georgia chapter. He’s a Certified Virtual Presenter through eSpeakers; and a CTM through Toastmasters.